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Thomas Perry: Island (USA 1989)

From the Publisher:
The riveting and entertaining thriller follows a husband-and-wife con team on the run from the Mob, a soldier of fortune between jobs, a two-bit operator with grandiose dreams of tribal dynasty, a sultry CIA operative with divided loyalties, and the most dazzling defector ever to hurl a split-fingered fastball -- twentieth-century buccaneers who wash up on a tiny island in the Caribbean and turn it into a multinational cash machine -- but then the shooting starts.

Somebody is trying to invade the island, and that somebody could be anybody: the CIA, NSC or IRS; the most powerful, corrupt bank in the U.S. or the South American cocaine mafia -- or it could just be the Los Angeles incarnation of the devil himself, a shadowy figure with a checkered past named Fat Jimmy...

Thomas Perry: Island. Avon Books, ISBN: 0380706636 (April, 1989), 312 p., $3.95.


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