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M. J. Trow: The Many Faces of Jack the Ripper

The Many Faces of Jack the Ripper From the Publisher
Until Now, no book has provided a complete pictorial account of the gruesome crimes of Jack the Ripper. Recently discovered archive photographs of the Ripper's victims, together with atmospheric images of the crime scenes as they are today, make this book utterly compelling and an essential companion to the most famous serial murders in history. MJ Trow takes us deep into the abyss that was Victorian London and his fascinating use of psychological profiling techniques brings us closer to the Ripper and his victims than ever before.

M. J. Trow: The Many Faces of Jack the Ripper. Photography by Jim Craddock. Summersdale Pub., ISBN: 1840240164 (October, 1997), 192 p., £15.99


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