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Lemons Never Lie

Richard Stark: Lemons Never Lie (2006)

From the Publisher:
When he's not carrying out heists with his friend Parker, Alan Grofield runs a small theater in Indiana. But putting on shows costs money and jobs have been thin lately -- which is why Grofield agreed to fly to Las Vegas to hear Andrew Myers' plan to knock over a brewery in upstate New York.

Unfortunately, Myers' plan is insane -- so Grofield walks out on him. But Myers isn't a man you walk out on, and his retribution culminates in an act of unforgivable brutality.

That's when Grofield decides to show him what a disciple of Parker is capable...

Richard Stark: Lemons Never Lie. Hard Case Crime, ISBN: 0843955945 (July, 2006), 221 p., $6.99






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