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Steven Womack: By Blood Written

By Blood Written From the Publisher:
After several critically acclaimed novels, Michael Schiftmann has yet to make the kind of living he thinks due him; any kind of living at all, in fact. His novels have been described as literate and multi-layered, but as Michael knows all too well, literate doesn't sell. Readers want glamour, glitz, violence. One drunken, depressed night, it comes to him. Readers want glitz and violence - he'll give it to them. He'll create a series of novels featuring the boldest, coldest serial killer ever imagined. He'll get inside the murderer's head in ways no writer has ever done. Every emotion, every sensation, every delicious moment will be captured on the page. But to do this, he'll have to discover for himself what it feels like to actually kill someone. And what Michael Schiftmann discovers is that murder feels good.

Steven Womack: By Blood Written. Severn House, ISBN: 072786209X (May, 2005), 347 p., $28.95


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